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“GREAT! Well Luke...it looks like this Gathering is going to have a great turn out after all!”Jacob and I just look at each other and laugh. He has this look of excitement but also relief on his face. Things could have easily gone south REALLY fast had Amy not been thrilled with the idea of joining an orgy...or the fact that her boyfriend was planning on attending with or without her!Gwen gets up to formally introduce herself to Amy.We all chat for a few minutes getting to know each other.As if things couldn’t get any more tense and awkward after the last half hour or so, Gwen speaks up.“Do you guys have any wine or anything to drink? We all need to have one for what I’m about to say.”We all look at Gwen and we’re silent not knowing what she’s talking about.I get up to grab a bottle of red wine from our kitchenette area and I bring some glassware for all of us.“What do you need to say Gwen?” Jacob asks as I pour each of us a glass.Once I sit down and join the rest of them on the. And seemed in the gloom of our LED lanterns to be disturbingly man-made. Miles and miles and miles of dusty passages, nearly entirely bone dry and with noticeably staler air than below. Phyl pushed us down these pathways faster, sometimes at more of a hurried nervous shuffle than a measured hiking walk.“I don’t like this bit,” she muttered once when I asked, just making conversation as we trudged onwards and upwards. Fredi could tell at a glance that the rock here was man-made but she wasn’t finding many traces of toolwork. At even brief stops to examine the stonework Phyl yanked on her hand to press her onwards, seemingly in haste.“Why? It’s definitely man-made, at least along this stretch, something of an underground highway even,” Fredi muttered, stopping again for a moment to shine her lamp closer to the passageway and even run her hands against the stone sides until again Phyl prodded her onwards.“The escape survey crew that took me down here on the practice run last year.
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